What is wav?
What is wav?
What is wav?
What is wav? What is wav? What is wav?
WAV stands for ‘with a vision”. We are a community of believers in San Diego committed to help college students discover who Jesus is and grow deeper in their relationship with Him. We want to inspire students to share in God’s vision for our campuses and beyond.
In 2010, a small team of college ministry volunteers ventured down to San Diego with a vision of establishing a Christ-centered, biblical, Christian church community at UCSD. Today, our congregation is a multi-ethnic fellowship composed largely of college students and young adults, now including SDSU. We worship, serve God, and share lives as we try to live out an Acts 2 community together. We call this church our spiritual home and we hope that you can take part in joining us and call this home too.
Campus Groups
We have campus groups at both the University of California, San Diego and San Diego State University. We study together, invite each other to our homes, and meet up to study the Bible - we build authentic relationships that help us through the ups and downs of college life.
Acts2Fellowship @ UCSD
Klesis @ SDSU